Saturday 15 January 2011

Love and Other Drugs (2010)

Directed by: Edward Zwick
Starring: Anne Hathaway, Jake Gyllenhaal, Oliver Platt

Devoid of enough sugary schmaltz to make this a somewhat original rom-com, Ed Zwick’s offering sees part-time drug rep, full-time ladies man Jamie encounter and fall for Parkinson’s sufferer Maggie. Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway further solidify their capability in tackling more challenging roles than most as the commitment-fearing ‘couple’ who find themselves powerlessly drawn to each other. The connecting cogs begin to dislodge as the film progresses, weaving genres (an awkward comedic element in the form of Jamie’s brother, played by Josh Gad, reoccurs amidst the unexpected gloom) and an under-playing of a clever subplot trails before full potential is grasped. The film peaks when convention is avoided – so for the most part – but Zwick includes noticeable tropes in the third act. Despite its flaws, the remarkable central performances cause Love and Other Drugs to stand out from the rest.

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Thursday 13 January 2011

Hey all,

I always get this far: I think to myself I should start a blog, I create the blog, write a few posts, and then... well, nothing. I begin to slack, and then I barely ever post until my post count has been the same for over two months. As you all know, we have just welcomed 2011 and like most people at the turn of a new year, I like to make resolutions. I don't really agree with changing anything about yourself, so I think to myself what could I do that would complement my life?

If you don't know me, my name is Jacob. I'm 19 years of age and I study Film. Film is something I am very passionate about and not only do I love watching them, I love writing about them. The way I see it is if you're gonna watch a load of films, why not attempt to share your opinions and in doing so hopefully spare somebody a painful experience or - crucially - spur somebody on to watch a film that they seriously need to see? Due to this, my new year's resolution was *Drum Roll Please*... to review every single film I watch in 2011.

In the interest of keeping this short and sweet, this here blog will become a compendium of every film I have the pleasure (or displeasure) of viewing. You won't find a review of a new blockbuster weeks before release, but if I venture to the cinema to see it, you will find a review you can hopefully draw something from and ultimately enjoy. Of course, feedback is encouraged. I'm basically doing this so I can acquire feedback, so if you agree, disagree or just fancy commenting, please do.

So yeah, take care, stay cool and hopefully, happy reading. Here's to an epic 2011!
